Love Pulses


By loving pulses, we strive to improve the quality of food and lifestyles of people around the world. Pulses are of high nutritional value in proteins, fibers and iron, making it essential for good health. Pulses are considered more environmentally friendly than other foods since the energy requirements and water usage to grow pulses are much lower than other crops. Pulses are nitrogen fixing crops that benefit the agricultural land they grow on making the land more fertile, thus making it more profitable for farmers. In addition, pulses play an important role in international trade due to  the geographic distribution of pulse producing and consuming countries.

Love Sustainability


Producing one kilogram of animal protein requires about 100 times more water than producing one kilogram of grain protein. To produce one kilogram of fresh beef, 13 kilograms of grain and 30 kilograms of hay are required, which in turn need 17,550 and 30,000 litres of water respectively. And therefore, to ensure sustainability, educated and innovative solutions are required that entail life style adjustments for all sectors of the society; whereby society consumes smart proteins which are found in pulses and legumes, improve yields of crops by using high yielding seeds, manage water resources carefully, and make agri-technology available to small and marginal farmers.

Love Agriculture


Like many leguminous crops, pulses play a key role in crop rotation due to their ability to fix nitrogen, which helps in improving the soil’s health. For example, when wheat is grown after other crops, 50 kilograms of nitrogen is required per hectare, while none is required when it is grown after a pulse crop. Pulses have a lower environmental footprint than other crop types because of their water use efficiency and ability to grow in zero tillage systems. Pulses also promote soil conservation and sustainable farming practices, because it helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions from agriculture and it does not require nitrogen containing fertilizers that can contribute to the production of greenhouse gases.

Love Health


Pulses have significant nutritional and health advantages for consumers. Pulses are very rich in nutrients and provide proteins, complex carbohydrates, several vitamins and minerals. Like other plant-based foods, they contain no cholesterol and little fat or sodium. Pulses also provide iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and other minerals, which play a variety of roles in maintaining good health.

For people with diabetes, pulses help with blood glucose management since pulses have a low glycemic index. Consuming pulses can help with weight management as pulses are high in fiber and protein, low in fat and moderate in calories.

Love Business


The global pulse market is estimated at 60 million tons, worth about USD 100 billion dollars at retail level. Dry beans and broad beans represent about 41% of this tonnage, chickpeas 31%, peas 12%, and lentils 5%. There is an enormous potential to increase the consumption of pulses in the Middle East by creating further awareness, and thus help provide a cost effective, affordable, and nutrient dense diet to the region which has high growth rates in their populations.